The Rotary Club of

Membership Newsletter
In addition to May 3, 2021

President: Ben van Heeswijk
President-Elect: Jeff Geddes
Past President: Henny Boeters
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: Warren Jansen
Directors: Kees Boeters
         Ron Bolohan
                       Brian Pasmore
                       Bob Wilson
Members: 10
Guests: David Mcguire,
Reinout Von Martels May 22nd.

Meeting Date: May 3rd, 2021.
President Ben opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.
1) Ben introduced our guest speaker Dave McGuire, to talk about Pints for Polio.
  David is the District 6380 Chair for Polio Plus.
  David thanked us for our donation to Polio Plus.
  Our DGE, Brenda Tipton, is hoping for more to happen in D. 6380 re Polio Plus all through October.
  David mentioned the purple crocuses initiative.
  On Oct. 20th, an energetic speaker will be coming to the U. of Michigan. It will probably be available virtually.
  Here in C-K, the local brewers, The Sons of Kent, will allow us to put our own label on about 2000 cans of one of their beers.
  We would promote throughout C-K.
  We would get about $.25-$.50 per can.
  On the second Friday in October, the Sons of Kent are having a Farmers Market in their parking lot.
  As we are their charity of the month, we would get all of the table rental fees.
  All of the proceeds would be split among the C-K clubs, with one donation sent on behalf of all of the clubs sent into Rotary International’s Polio Plus campaign.
  We would be looking for someone to design the label.
  Paul suggested Pam Wilson, from Dresden, who does all of the amazing artwork for The Mary Webb Centre. He will contact her. (Note: She and David have been in contact and she agreed to come up with a design for David’s approval.)
  As well, David hopes that each club will continue to do locally the things that they normally do.
  David also mentioned that to date in 2021, there are only 2 new cases of polio, one each in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
 Paul thanked David after a few questions.
2. Birthdays and Anniversaries: Henny
  Reinout on May 22nd.
3. Progress of the Polio fundraiser "Crocuses for Polio": Kees
  Kees will be buying the bulbs from Van Noord, with headquarters in BC, and an office in St. Catherines.
  They are $.26 per bulb. We will do the packaging, 20/bag.
  We get them in early October, but we will advertise early than that to take orders.
  The Horticultural Society wants 1500 bulbs.
4. Discussion on "Light up Chatham-Kent": Ben
  The C-K folks want the project to get going by June, with folks from each community involved.
  Henny/Kees believe that the East Kent group wants to look after the project here in Ridgetown.
5. Discussion about May Youth Service Month: Ben
  Maybe we can do something for the scouts? Nothing firm was agreed upon.  The Beavers apparently came first in a recent competition in Ontario or Canada.
  Bob told Reinout that the group has a new leader.
  There was a discussion about having another bbq, but not in May.
  Paul read a short note from Amanda Litwin about how much she has enjoyed the first 2 days of the virtual Adventures in Citizenship.
On District Level:
1.  Follow up email from Taylor Cloutier re the CMHA fundraiser "Ride Don't Hide" for mental awareness:   
  Ben reread Taylor Cloutier’s email re this program.
  After some discussion, it was moved by Paul/Kees that the club donate $250.00 to the program, to go along with funds donated by the C-K clubs. Carried.
  Individual club members can participate on their own if they so desire.
2. Reminder to support "Get a Shot-Give a Drop": Ben
  Ben reminded us of the procedures involved if you wish to make a donation.
Road Cleanup: Paul
  May 31st, weather and COVID restrictions allowing.
President Ben asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Ben closed the meeting at 8:05 pm.
 The next Zoom meeting is on May 17, 2021.
Our Guest will be Gloria Pena, born in Matehuala,San Luis Potosi,Mexico. She started her Piano lessons in 2006 when she was 10 years old, although her musical interest began in her early childhood due to her siblings were members of the City's Orchestral Band.
If you have any requests for her to play, please contact Ben.
Russell Hampton
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