The Rotary Club of

Membership Newsletter
May ,16 2022

President: Jeff Geddes
President-Elect: Kees Boeters
Past President: Ben Van Heeswijk
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: Warren Jansen
Directors:  Kees Boeters, Ron Bolohan, Brian Pasmore and Bob Wilson
Members: 11
Hon. Members: Spouses and Guests:
Birthdays: Reinout von Martels, May 22, 2022. A special one.

Meeting Date:  May 16, 2022, at the Anglican Hall.
President Jeff opened the meeting at 6:35 pm. After the national anthem, grace, and dinner, plus thanking the ACW for the dinner, Jeff started the business meeting.
1. Kees:  Updated Strategies
  • Kees went over the progress in his Updated Strategy, with many members handing in
  • their ideas
  • In response to a question, Kees said that the average # of members in clubs in D6380 is 25-30; 75% of members are tech-savvy, and there are a couple of big clubs as well as a few e-clubs
  • Our club is very respected for the work we do but is the only one in C-K with no new members
  • Kees explained what is now required to continue work on the strategy
  • When he has as much input from us as possible, then he will put it onto a spreadsheet and we can proceed
  • Those who hadn’t completed theirs are asked to have them to Kees by Monday, May 23rd
2. Jeff: Update on the Scout Hut proceedings
  • Work is being done to get the hut in the Scouts’ name for insurance purposes
  • Council has agreed with the next stage, which would see Rotary and Kiwanis share the building
  • This is all in the discussion stage; waiting for the C-K lawyers to get back to both clubs
  • The Scouts continue to use the Hut
  • There might be a new sign with Rotary and Kiwanis on it
  • Kiwanis could look after leasing/running it for 3 years and then re-evaluate how things stand
3. Kees: Update on the Scrap Metal.
  • The last cheque was about $3000
  • By next week’s end, it may be full again
4. Kees: Update on last Saturday’s “Rotary Information” Seminar.
  • Lots of presenters, but almost nobody there from the public
  • It needs to be better advertised
  • It was in the Independent, but perhaps newcomers don’t read it
  • Better ways to contact new families who have moved to town
  • Paul will contact them and ask if they want feedback since we had some to offer
1. Paul: Update on the Adventure in Citizenship
  • Paul was worried that our candidate hadn’t been accepted, but after several tries at contacting AIC, Liam did receive information about the weekend, so all appears to be good.
  • It is May 27th – 29th
Other Business:
1. Reinout: Their horses have had 2 new arrivals, a filly, and a colt
  • Both are doing well
2. Paul: There has been discussion of a Rotary-Kiwanis lawn bowling tourney one evening in the summer
3. Jeff:  3 or 4 clubs may get together in the fall at the Sons of Kent
4. Henny/Kees:  T-shirts marking Canada’s 155th Anniversary
  • It was agreed to buy 3 classes worth of t-shirts, for $750.
  • When you buy a t-shirt the cost is 20 dollars for this you get 1 a second one is added to shirts for the schools.
  • There will be a pork roast dinner on June 10 in the Legion this is for support of the T-shirt project cost is 20 $ Kees will have tickets when you want to have one please order before June 3
President Jeff asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Jeff closed the meeting at 7:58.
The next meeting is on June 13th, 2022
 (Note: At the last meeting, Jeff asked which date we wanted, May 16th or the 30th. The 16th was chosen with no mention of having meetings both nights.)
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