Directors: David Klatt, Brian Pasmore, Ben Van Heeswijk and Bob Wilson
Members: 15 plus Beatrice Wausi Gellion Corteva
Guests: Ridgetown 1st Scout Leader Adam Frazee, Chief Scouts Aiden Frazee, Duncan VanWaes, Alexander Frazee, Venture Scouter Jacob Singleton, and Scouter David Brian
Beatrice’s guests Nasim Alijani Iran), Yajan Peng (China) and Jin He China who all now live in Chatham Kent
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: None
Meeting Date: Nov. 14, 2023 at the Anglican Parish Hall
Program: Bob Wilson: Speaker Adam Frazee from the 1st Scouts Ridgetown
Bob Wilson: Speaker from the 1st Scouts Ridgetown
Using a Power Point presentation, Adam gave a very interesting history of scouting in Ridgetown and specifically during the past year
Scouting started at the Ridgetown Anglican Church in 1913, which one of our club members thinks makes it the second oldest in Canada
At present, they have 41 scouts, boys and girls from all over south-eastern Chatham-Kent currently offering programming for youth ages 5-17
They go to Camp Catarqui in Clearville for several activities and camps. This is their home camp
2 Scouts and 3 Venturers were awarded the Medal of the Maple for their service to Scouting
4 Scouts earned their Chief Scout Award this past June. Duncan VanWaes, Aidan Frazee, Ian Thompson, Alexander Frazee
To earn the Chief scout Award, youth had to earn 18 levels of Outdoor Adventure Skills badges. Complete 30 hours of community service and complete a community oriented service project
Some of the service projects have been to improve the landscaping in front of the scout hut, removing graffiti from the scout hut
Painting the exterior doors and posts of the scout hut
Fundraising to purchase gifts for less fortunate teens at Christmas
In the fall, they took part in dragon boat racing on the Thames River, thanks to Scouter David Brian
All of the scouts participated in Apple day this past fall. They manned locations in Ridgetown, Blenheim, Thamesville, Bothwell and Highgate
Apple day is the groups’ primary fundraiser. They did well which will help ensure another year of great programming!
All sections took part in a model rocket night last spring
Launching and recovering rockets that the youth built from kits and flew to 1000+ feet.
They took part in Beaver buggy races, Cub Kar Races and Scout Truck and Dragster Races, having built their own buggies, Cars and Trucks from kits with lots of spectators
We had an astrophysicist from Astronomy in Action bring an inflatable planetarium to the scout hut, the only planetarium in Ontario.
He answered all kinds of questions about the universe which was projected on the ceiling of the dome
They did a Harvest Moon bike ride in September along the C.A.S.O. trail that goes 13 km from Highgate to Ridgetown (and much farther in both directions) and had a great time
They visited replica of a WW1 trench (this is going to be covered in the paper)
They have done winter camping at -310 C and summer camping at 300
In thanking Adam and his wife Angela, Brian Pasmore told the Rotarians how much they have done for scouting in Ridgetown and area and for the town as well.
Future events that they are planning:
- They are booked to stay overnight in the shark tunnel at Ripley's aquarium this spring
-They are planning to go indoor rock climbing
If you know of a youth, male or female ages 5-17 that would like to join visit: click join and search for 1st Ridgetown
2. Kees: Tree planting results – November 4th
No report
3. Ron: Remembrance Day Ceremony – November 11th
No report
4. Paul/Kees : The Gift – November 16th
Rotary will do the same area as usual
Kees handed out maps to those helping
The supplies collected will be taken to the Scout Hut and sorted that afternoon
They will be distributed on Nov. 25, from the Scout Hut
Nothing will be taken to Chatham
5. Ron: ShelterBox Panel Discussion - Nov 20th
6. Ron: Christmas Banquet - Dec 4th.
Start gathering at 5pm, dine at 6pm, program to follow the meal
It will be held at the Anglican Parish Hall
Ron passed around a sign-up sheet
Guest speaker will be Tom Button
7. David: Sergeant-at-arms and 50-50
Bob W put in a Happy Buck for the presentation by Adam Freeze from the scouts
Henny B put in a toonie for the guests that Beatrice brought to the meeting
Ben Van Heeswijk won the 50-50 which he gave to the Scouts
Correspondence: None
Committees: No Reports
President Ron asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Ron closed the meeting at 8:10 pm.
The next meeting is on Nov. 20th, 2023: Business Meeting
L-R Scouter Adam Frazee, Bob Wilson, Scouter David Brian, Aidan Frazee, Duncan VanWaes, Alex Frazee, Scouter Jacob Singleton, Ron Bolohan
L-R Beatrice’s guests: Jin He, Yajan Peng and Nasim Alijani plus President Ron Bolohan and Scouter David Brian