The Rotary Club of

Membership Newsletter
Jan 10, 2022

President: Jeff Geddes
President-Elect: Kees Boeters
Past President: Ben Van Heeswijk
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: Warren Jansen
Directors:  Kees Boeters, Ron Bolohan, Brian Pasmore and Bob Wilson
Members: 12
Hon. Members: Spouses and Guests: 0
Birthdays: Brian Pasmore, Jan. 10
Anniversaries: 0
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: Warren Jansen
Directors:  Kees Boeters, Ron Bolohan, Brian Pasmore and Bob Wilson

Meeting Date: 2022-01-10 Zoom meeting.
The December 20th Meeting was canceled Due to COVID.
President Jeff opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
1. Jeff:  Boomerang Auction.
  • Auction Opportunity on the Boomerang has ended.
  • Jeff presented the offer spreadsheet to our Treasurer on December 20th for him to pick the best offer.
  • The winner is Kathy Cottingham, from Tilbury, who has a collection of Boomerangs.
2.  Kees: Update on Scrap Metal.
  • The last two cheques were each about $1800.
3.  Jeff:  Procedures for voting on financial motions.
  • If there is an item that perhaps needs some investigating or thought by members, we should go back to the way it is supposed to be done, ie present a motion at one meeting and then vote on it at the next.
4.  Reinout: 2022-2023 Club Officers.
  • Will be presented at the next meeting.
5. Jeff: Feedback on the 2021 Rotary Christmas party.
  • Overall, it was a good time.
  • Jeff thanked everyone who had a hand in organizing the party.
  • It was suggested that we always ask those invitees whether they need a ride.
  • Kees mentioned that several invitees, re the scrap metal, could not come, so Kees sent them poinsettias.
  • We should consider holding future Christmas parties at the Anglican Hall.
7. Jeff: Generous Club Donation. 
  • The money is to go to something within the community. Jeff has priced out the cost of a bench, from Brian at Arc Angel. $880.  All were in agreement that we go ahead with having one done.
  • It will have “Ridgetown Rotary 1930-2022” engraved plus the wording below.
  • M/S: Reinout/Henny: That it has the Rotary symbol plus the wording “Donated by a friend of Rotary”                                                             Carried Unanimously
8.  Jeff:  Vacations. (Jan 1 – Jun 30) who is going, when and how long?
  • Jeff needs to know who will be away, so that we can have some members at the Feb. 28, 2022 meeting if/when the District Governor attends.
  • Several will be away to Florida during that time, while others may go on a trip depending on COVID restrictions.
9.  Jeff:  Feedback on East Kent Celebrate Volunteer Recognition Dinner.
  • There was good participation by various groups/organizations from town.
10.  Jeff: Suggestions for the District Governor Meeting Feb 28th.
  • Paul Harris pins to be given out if the DG attends.
  • It was suggested that it be put in the District Newsletter that all club members are in the “one sapphire” category.
  • Kees mentioned that we will need to buy more Rotary Theme pins for 2021 2022 for club members.
  • After discussion, the order of 10 pins will be placed by Kees.
Other Business.
1. Reinout suggested that the club do something for the community with some of the money we have from our scrap steel.
  • By the end of this 2021-22 year, we should have about $4500.
  • He asked members to think about projects we could do within the community.
President Jeff asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Jeff closed the meeting at 7:55 pm.
The next meeting is on 2022-01-24
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