Directors: David Klatt, Brian Pasmore, Ben Van Heeswijk and Bob Wilson
Members: 12
Spouses and Guests: Gary Eagleson, Ken Corlett, Judy Van De Hogen, Doris Scoyne
Birthdays: None
Anniversaries: None
Meeting Date: Feb. 27, 2023, at the Anglican Hall.
President Kees opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. After the national anthem, grace, and dinner, plus thanking the ACW for the dinner, Kees started the meeting.
1. Ron: Ron Bolohan introduced his guest speaker Gary Eagleson
Gary was raised on a farm in South Huron, with a sister several years older, so he had lots of time to explore the farm
He retired from his teaching career after 32 years with 2 years in England and has been very active on a number of committees and organizations around Chatham-Kent such as a Board Member - Thames–Sydenham (Provincial) Source Water Protection Committee and a Veteran (CD) -(13 years) The Canadian Armed Forces Reserves.
He and his wife purchased a 58-acre farm near Florence, after discovering he also owns the rectory on the property
It includes 12-acre and 6-acre fields with the rest being a Carolinian forest that has a nice creek running through it
He has a grove of Nut-trees and one of Oak trees
It has a wide variety of trees growing on the farm, many he has planted, and is called a Mulberry farm
Since purchasing the farm, Gary has had 4 ponds dug in various locations and of various depths for a variety of plants and animals such as frogs and turtles to survive year-round
He has since dug two more ponds by himself
with the clay bottoms, the ponds do not drain into the soil below
Gary has been able to apply for and receive several grants to allow him to really develop the property
He has built a cabin, outhouse, and shed for his variety of tools and equipment
Gary also has several bees hives that produce very good honey
The 12-acre field has several acres of “Tall Grass Prairie”, ideal for honey production
Unfortunately, he lost all of his bees last winter, but his replacement ones this winter seem to be doing well
Gary used a PowerPoint presentation throughout his talk to show us a great many plants and trees that he has on the farm, many that were there when he bought it, with many others he has planted himself
He has several cameras around the property that enable Gary to see hourly what’s happening at the farm and what wildlife visitors he has
It was a very informative presentation that shows Gary’s love for the land and his great desire to preserve so many forms of vegetation and wildlife
Bob thanked him for the presentation, noting that he had taught with Gary when they were both at Blenheim HS
We had a draw for a bottle of the honey produced by Gary’s bees, won by Brian P.
As usual, Gary signed some labels to go into books we have given to St Michael School
Kees: Induction of Joel Van De Hogen by Ken Corlett ADG
Ken said that it was a pleasure to be here to do a new club member induction
He mentioned that Ridgetown is a community club which is very evident around town
Of course, Rdigetown is involved with the community of the world
Joel received his certificate of membership, his club vest, a 4-way test plaque, and a package full of Rotary material. Joel’s mother came for the meeting and is quite proud of Joel
1. Brian: Easter Egg Hunt April 8 at the Scout hut
Brian said that everything is pretty much under control and Kees will send out a chart of responsibilities
2. Kees: Tentative pancakes with the scout's March 25 in Hall
Kees is waiting to hear back from Adam who needs to let the parents from the scouts know and get from them volunteers from that group.
1. Paul read out a thank you letter from the C-K Women’s Centre for our $150 donation
President Kees asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Kees closed the meeting at
The next meeting is on Mar. 13, 2023, a business meeting
The theme for the 2022-23 Rotary year is “Imagine Rotary
President Kees Boeters, Gary Eagleson and Rotarian Ron Bolohan
ADG Ken Corlett, Joel Van De Hogen and President Kees Boeters