The Rotary Club of

Membership Newsletter
Aug 21 , 2023

2023 2024
President: Ron Bolohan
Past President: Kees Boeters
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: David Klatt
Directors:  David Klatt, Brian Pasmore, Ben Van Heeswijk and Bob Wilson
Members:  11
Guests:  Elaine B, Angela B, Claudia G, Glenda P, Beatrice, Beatrice Wausi Gellion Corteva, Lynn and Larry Amos and Carol Knight
Birthdays:   None
Anniversaries:  None
Meeting Date:  Tuesday, Aug. 22nd, 2023 at the home of Ron and Elaine Bolohan.
President Ron opened the meeting at 6:00 pm with toasts and grace, followed by an excellent buffet meal provided by Churrascaria Steakhouse, Chatham.
Program:  Summer meeting
1. Ron:  District Governor’s meeting on Oct. 16, 2023 in Dresden
Ridgetown, Dresden and hopefully Blenheim
  • There is a club presidents ‘Zoom meeting on Thursday, Aug. 30 to finalize the details
2. Kees:  Peace Pole
  • The Peace Pole will be dedicated at the Ridgetown Cenotaph in the morning of Oct. 16, 2023
  • The District Governor and other guests, including members of the IODE will be invited
  • Kees asked our club members to attend
  • The photographer from the Independent will also be invited
3.  Ron:   Story telling
  • Ron invited members and/or their guests to tell some stories from their past, with prizes for the three best
  • Some good stories and tales were told
Correspondence:   None
Committees:   No reports
Brian P thanked Ron and Elaine for hosting the party and for all of the work they did.
Next Meeting for Board Sept.7 at 7.00PM at Home from President Ron
Next Meeting in the Hall Sept.11                                                              
Our new inflatable Rotary Wheel
Our meeting room in the machine room at Ron and Elaine’s farm
Elaine B, President Ron and Past President Kees
Guest Beatrice with one of the table pieces given to our women
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