The Rotary Club of

Membership Newsletter
Feb 13, 2023

President: Kees Boeters
President-Elect: Ron Bolohan
Past President: Jeff Geddes
Treasurer: Reinout von Martels
Secretary: Paul Brown
Sergeant at Arms: David Klatt
Directors:  David Klatt, Brian Pasmore, Ben Van Heeswijk and Bob Wilson
Members: 14
Spouses and Guests: Teri Thomas-Vanos (via Zoom)
Birthdays:  Joel Van De Hogen Feb 26
Anniversaries: None
Meeting Date:   Feb. 13, 2023, at the Anglican Hall.
President Kees opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. After the national anthem, grace, and dinner, plus thanking the ACW for the dinner, Kees started the meeting.
1.  Warren introduced Teri Thomas-Vanos (via Zoom at 7.15)
  • Teri is the Executive Director of Linck Child, Youth, and Family Services which was previously named the Chatham-Kent Children’s Services
  • Teri explained the name change and asked how many members knew about Linck. Not many
  • Teri used a PowerPoint presentation, with the assistance of Linck employee Connor O’Mara
  • She did an acknowledgment of the traditional lands of Indigenous people within C-K
  • Linck works with children, youth, and families to build their own lifelong connections
  • Their 4 mandates are Child and Youth Mental Health, Developmental Services, Child Welfare, and Youth Justice
  • They are a multi-service agency and Teri told us a bit about each of these services
  • In 2020, the Ontario Government developed its child welfare strategy with 5 pillars to create this change
  • Teri went through the many ways that Linck is implementing these pillars within C-K
  • She briefly went through how Linck is making it easier for their clients to understand and make use of Linck
  • They work on Children’s Mental Health Services (5-17 years) and again, Teri outlined how they work on this
  • Developmental Services (0-5years) are another part of Linck’s mandate
  • They have Child & Family Consultants and Early Developmental Support Workers (EDSWs) who work closely with families, schools, and other support groups
  • Teri showed us the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, going through the 4 parts and their implications
  • Reconciliation = reconciliation is a very important part of Linck’s work to reduce the number of Indigenous children in care, reduce the number of legal files involving Indigenous children and families as well as many more areas involving Indigenous members of our communities
  • Teri also mentioned that Linck is always looking for volunteers and Board members
  • Teri answered several questions and provided us with Linck’s contact number, 1 519-352-0440
  • Their website is
  • Warren thanked Teri and Paul told her that 3 book labels would go onto books at St Michael Separate School with her name and Linck on them
1. David/Judie:  Easter Egg Hunt( New Committee Warren Brian and Bob)
  • Discussion differed
2.  Kees:  Pancake Breakfast
  • The decision has been made to not hold the breakfast at this time, because of other ones happening in town this spring
1.  Paul:  Ridgetown Community Vacation Bible School
  • As in past years, a donation to this organization will be made
New Business:
1. Kees: Shelter Boxes to Turkey
  • M/S   Warren/Reinout: The Board of Directors vote at this meeting that the club vote at this meeting purchase 6 ShelterBoxes, to a maximum of $7200.        C
  • The Directors voted and the motion carried
  • M/S    Warren/Paul: That the club vote on the motion to purchase 6 ShelterBoxes.  C
  • After some discussion, during which it was noted that we cannot designate where the shelter boxes will go, a motion was made (We did state in our cover letter to ShelterBox that our donation go to Turkey)
  • M/S   Warren/Paul: The club purchased 6 ShelterBoxes, to a maximum of $7200. C
  • At the end of the meeting, a group photo of the club with a blowup of the cheque to ShleterBox was taken, for use in their minutes and in the article for the Independent
President Kees asked if there was “Anything for the good of Rotary?”
Kees closed the meeting at 8:00 pm.
The next meeting:  Feb27, 2023   Ron Bolohan’s speaker
The Ridgetown Club with a blowup of the cheque to ShelterBox

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