Ridgetown Rotary Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 2024-04-08
The meeting was at the Anglican Parish Hall, at 7:00 pm.
Present:  Ron B, Kees B, Brian P, David K, Reinout VM, Paul B, Bob W
Regrets:  Ben VH
1. Treasurer’s Report
  • All’s good, with a few bills yet to pay
  • Paid the bill to the Independent for the Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt ads
  • Bill still due for the ad in the volunteer section of the April 10th paper
2. Correspondence:  None
3. Review of the Projects/Events since the New Year
a)   Pancake Breakfast
  • It went very well with the scouts, cubs, beavers etc doing a great job
  • Approximately 130 people came for the pancakes, offering a donation as they entered
  • The event made money after all the bills were paid
b)   Easter Egg Hunt
  • It also went very well, with perhaps 100 children taking part
  • The winner of the bike was Ellie Carnie
  • We have about $600 left over
  • Reinout felt that it should be used within the community, helping children where possible
  • M/S Paul/David:  That $200 be given to Amanda Brown, who works with her parents at the Independent, to buy wool.                                      Carried
  • Note:  When Paul took the cheque to Amanda, she was absolutely thrilled and he got a big hug!  Her mother Barb had a few tears
c)   Car Show 2024
  • The food truck from Chatham wanted to come and set up
  • After some discussion, we decided to just have the Highgate Lions club provide the food, as they did last year
  • Most of the arrangements, municipal permits etc have been filed out or Bob has them in the works
  • Ben is looking after the ad in Old Autos: It hasn’t been in any issues so far
4.  Scout Hut Repairs
  • The ceiling in the main foyer needs repairs
  • There needs to be a sign on the washroom door in the main foyer saying that it is handicap accessible and possibly making the building and washroom handicap accessible
  • Since the Scout Hut is owned by the Municipality, they should do the repairs etc
  • Amy Wilcox is the contact at the municipality for this
  • Ron will put something together for her
5.  Filling the Directors’ and Executive Positions for 2024-25
  • Ron handed out a potential schedule for the 2024-25 year
  • It is divided into 6 sections, with 4-5 meetings in each
  • As Ron had explained at the last club meeting, he is hoping to have 5 past presidents assume the positon of leader for each of the sections with one non-past president filling one of the 6 sections
  • As of now, he has 5 past presidents offering to do one of the sections each, with one specifically requesting the summer section
  • After quite a bit of discussion, Ron will send out the proposal asking for a member with at least years membership but not a past president to assume a section as leader
  • In the meantime, Kees will enter the present executive on ClubRunner for 2024-25
  • Paul will serve next year as secretary and Reinout will be treasurer
  • David Klatt will serve as Sergeant-at-arms
  • Ron will oversee the whole plan for next year
6.  Other Business
1.  Secretary for the April 15 meeting
  • Judie will do the secretary duties as Paul will miss that meeting, and her presenter will be doing so via Zoom allowing her to take notes
2.   Although Ron has a power point presentation of Beatrice’s classification talk, she will come to do it in person once her work schedule allows – will be April 29th
The meeting ended at 8:15 pm.
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